Thursday, November 20, 2014

America, Y U no pay adjuncts living wage?!

CNN, aka Contains No News, may be back to actually containing some news. I just watched their Ivory Tower program. A good, wide-ranging discussion of the cutting edge issues facing higher education today. There was a lot worth discussing but I would like to focus on the "hack education" segment. A speaker in that portion made three good points.

Education is:

1) Content,

2) A network of people who can help you in life, and

3) The credential.

I think this is perfectly true.

In a fascist, imperialist country with neoliberal universities destroying the humanities and social sciences we must ask the crucial question:

How can we reimagine education to fulfill these objectives in a way that bypasses colleges and universities and creates new scholarly journals run by adjuncts and contingent professors?

An extremely tall order, to be sure, but I think it is the future we must pursue. Because the past really isn't working. And technology makes a lot of new things possible.

But maybe MOOCs aren't it. They have terrible student persistence rates, customer satisfaction and learning outcomes.

Udacity, Cousera, EdX and the like still need to be given a fair shake and time to work out the kinks. But the initial data is not indicating the Brave New World we thought we had in our grasp.

My peripatos, this perpatos, our peripatos, is open for a walk.

Let us journey and reason together.

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